
| | Biography's | Fishing Trip Journal | Chuck's Photos 1 | Raye's Photos 1 | Lil Bub's Photos 1
Chuck and Raye


Chuck and Raye... The Beginning...

Chuck and Raye have been best buddies for many years. It all started when they were in the 7th grade. Every day after school, Chuck used to ride his super-fast black mountain bicycle up and down their street. Raye never really associated with Chuck that much, in fear that he might throw rocks at him, or chase him down the street with a stick...
Well, one day Raye was tired of playing video games by himself. Raye's mom saw that he was feeling blue, so she said, "RAYEMOND! Why don't you invite that nice bike-riding boy Chuck inside to play video games with you?" Raye was shy and really didn't want to do the inviting, so he hid behind Mom, and she invited Chuck in for video games and iced tea.
Ever since then, Chuck and Raye have been inseperable...

Chucks Biography


Full name:
Charleston P. McDougal
Favrorite Fish to Catch:
#1 Brook Trout (they are they most beautiful too!)
Favorite Type of Fishing:
Brook Trout fishing and becoming one with the woods
Name's of My Rods:
B*t*hy Bessy(she a little fussy), Old Edith (she was my Grand Poppas)
Biggest Fish Caught:
Every fish I catch is huge
Smallest Fish Caught:
I don't catch small ones
Most Unusual Thing Ever Caught:
It wasn't Herpes

Raye's Biography


Full Name:
Rayemond Q. Trickle
Favorite Fish To Catch:
White Perch
Favorite Type Of Fishing:
From a canoe, or Brook Trouting deep in the woods
Favorite Bait:
Night crawlers
Name's Of Fishing Rods:
(2) Dottie and Adjustable Delilah.
Biggest Fish Caught:
It was actually a turtle
Smallest Fish Caught:
Small mouth bass (it was smaller than the lure I used)
Most Unusual Thing Ever Caught:
3 seconds after I cast my line into the water, I pulled up a freshwater clam. Then there was this one time I hooked on to a Peterbuilt.

Lilbub's Biography


Full Name:
Bubba Winston Gilmoore
Favorite Fish To Catch:
Bib Billy Bass
Favorite Type Of Fishing:
In The Middle Of the Canoe On The Floor
Favorite Bait:
Night crawlers, Spinner Bait
Name's Of Fishing Rods:
Dorris Sultinfus
Biggest Fish Caught:
14" Large Mouth Bass, 14 Ugly Catfish
Smallest Fish Caught:
My Pet Gold Fish "Elvis"
Most Unusual Thing Ever Caught:
A 3 Foot Fresh Water Snake, And A 3 Eyed Walleye

Lilbub's Bio coming soon!